
MCProf. Joy

Prof. Joy

Assignments for CMSC226

Please paste all of the code, screen-shots and flowchart into Word and submit the Word document in Blackboard under Assignments.


The flowchart can be drawn in Word, Visio, Power-point, etc., then take a screen shot and paste into the word document.


  1. Cube Class Using the Rectangle class as an example, create a Cube class.
  2. Holidays Using the Date class, create a list of holidays.
  3. Strings: Read and transform a string
  4. Birthdays: Read names and birthdays from file.
  5. Fraction Class: Create the Fraction class. The Fraction class will be in a separate file and will include overloaded operators.
  6. Modify the Date Class: Add a few methods.
  7. Box class Create a class to represent a box.
  8. Quick Sort: A recursive program that uses a template.
  9. Stack class
  10. Binary tree class

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