Hello world! I'm talking about submitting assignments in Blackboard. When you log into Blackboard you'll see a list of the courses that you're in. Click the course, then click assignments. And select the assignment you want to submit, and then scroll down. And, you're going to browse my computer, and depending on what course you're in, If you are in CMSC 100, that's probably going to be an a3p file. Select the file that's, that's right for 110 it could be all kinds of files, For uh, 222, it's going to be a zip file. And for 226, that's going to be a Word document . And then hit submit, you can write a note if you write a note. Uh, you don't have to but you could type something [typing] whatever. And then hit submit. Now when... after I have graded it, Uh, you'll be able to go and look at your grades, tools... and my grades and you would be able to see what my comments were. And so on, that's it.