
aliceGlossary for Alice Programming: events

Glossary for Alice Programming: events

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arrow-keys: Object Mover and Key press events(Lesson: Events: Responding to the Mouse and Keyboard)
   Add object mover for the shark so that the user can move it with the arrow keys.
background-sound: Playing a background sound(Lesson: Events: Responding to the Mouse and Keyboard)
   To play background music use initializeEventListeners to play sound together with myFirstMethod.
collisions: Collisions(Lesson: Events: Responding to the Mouse and Keyboard)
   Making something happen when objects collide.
discussion: Discussion questions(Lesson: Events: Responding to the Mouse and Keyboard)
   What do you think?
dog-wag-tail: A dog wags his tail continuously(Lesson: Events: Responding to the Mouse and Keyboard)
   The addSceneActivationListener makes a dog wag his tail continuously while other actions take place.
drag-drop: Drag and Drop(Lesson: Events: Responding to the Mouse and Keyboard)
   Using default model manipulation in event listeners lets the user drag and drop objects at run time.
keypress: The keypress event(Lesson: Events: Responding to the Mouse and Keyboard)
   Learn how to listen for a key press (typing a letter) and respond
mouse-click: Click on the bear event(Lesson: Events: Responding to the Mouse and Keyboard)
   The bear says something when the user clicks on him.
mouse-click2: Click on several different objects(Lesson: Events: Responding to the Mouse and Keyboard)
   Each animal says something when clicked
questions: Self Study Questions(Lesson: Events: Responding to the Mouse and Keyboard)
   What have you learned?
timer-event: A Timer Event(Lesson: Events: Responding to the Mouse and Keyboard)
   Using the timer event, the penguin says "Help!" at random intervals.
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