Hello world! I'm talking about getting a true/false, or Boolean answer from the user. I have set up a scene with the Wonderland template, and I've added a Martian. And I need variable and the type is going to be Boolean. And that can only have values of true or false. And I'm going to give it the name answer and initialize it to true. You notice that the only choices are true and false. And it doesn't matter which one we use, because I'm going to replace it with a value we get from the user. And that is get aa Boolean from the user. And the custom text during is the prompt. And Martian is going to ask, "Am I on Mars?" And then the answer will have a value of true or false. So we can't really use that too much until we learn about Boolean expressions in a later lesson. So, I'm just going to go back to procedures, and have the aliens say "Oh, my!" Let's just run that so you can see what happens with a Boolean expression. And the Martian says, "Am I on Mars?" And whether we answer true or false He says "Oh, my!" And that's it for now.