Hello world! I'm talking about things you can't find in Alice 3. If you start to tell almost any type of story in Alice, You are eventually going to find something you really want for that story and can't find it. One thing to remember is that we have quite a few objects in Alice and if we had twice as many that program would take a lot longer to download and use up a lot more memory. So we're going to talk about how to make do with what we've go. Let's suppose we want to tell the story of the boy who cried wolf. In that story the boy is a shepherd. So I look for sheep, and it says no matches. So, let me go back to my quadrupeds and look for what we have. Well, there's a Billy goat. He could be a goatherd instead of a shepherd. Let's suppose we want a sword. And it says no matches. I'm going to look in prop classes for something I could use, and ... Let's see what we have here. We have tons of things! What are we going to use? There's a fishing pole. I could probably make that look like a sword. I know there's a bow and arrow. There's a paint brush. Do you think that could look like a sword? Somewhere there's a magic wand. And a staff: we could use that. If we wanted to tell the story of Snow White we need an apple. And again, there is no match. For that I'm going to go to shapes and use a sphere. I'll name that apple and make the color red. And there we go: Make it the right size, Put it in the witch's hand and we've got an apple. So, just use your imagination and see what you come up with. That's it for now!