Hello world! I'm talking about how to create a Zip file in Windows. I have a directory called mycpp, and I want to ZIP a particular program in here, The one I want to zip is called source.cpp, which would be the source code for a C++ program. If I right click on that and pick WinZip, I can say "Add to Zip file" and a window comes up and I can give it a name. For this particular file the name I want to give it is a last name and first name and underscore and the name of the project and Moss.zip. That's fine, and after I do that I can click add or I can just press enter, and it tells me that my file has been created. and you can see the original size was quite a bit bigger than the compressed size. and if we just scroll over and you can see the size of the zip file is 3 KB (kilobytes), and the CPP file is 6 KB, so that's one of the reasons for zipping a file. If you're going to submit it you can make it quite a bit smaller so that it doesn't take as long to upload.