
csharpGlossary for C#: strings

Glossary for C#: strings

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@: @ is the verbatim identifier character.(Lesson: Strings in C#)
\: Backslash: \ is escape character, turns special characters into string characters (Lesson: Strings in C#)
anagram-demo: Anagram Demo(Lesson: Strings in C#)
   An anagram is simply the letters of the word scrambled
array scramble: Scramble Array Algorithm(Lesson: Strings in C#)
   Easy algorithm to scramble an array
backslash: Backslash: \ is escape character, turns special characters into string characters (Lesson: Strings in C#)
parse: Parse(Lesson: Strings in C#)
   Parse means to break a string up into significant parts, or to convert a string to a numeric type.
regex: Regular Expressions(Lesson: Strings in C#)
   A regular expression is a way to determine if a string matches a pattern.
regex drill: Regular Expression Drill(Lesson: Strings in C#)
   Test your understanding
regex robot: Regular Expression for Robot: R2D2, C3P0?(Lesson: Strings in C#)
   Regex robotregx= new Regex(@"([A-Z][0-9]){2}");
regex sentence: Regular Expressions for a sentence(Lesson: Strings in C#)
   A sentence must have letters of the alphabet and end with . ? or !
scramble, array: Scramble Array Algorithm(Lesson: Strings in C#)
   Easy algorithm to scramble an array
shuffle, array: Scramble Array Algorithm(Lesson: Strings in C#)
   Easy algorithm to scramble an array
string escape: Escape Sequence: \ and @(Lesson: Strings in C#)
   Using the \ and @ with strings with special characters
string functions: String Functions(Lesson: Strings in C#)
   Examples of the most used string methods
string length: String Length(Lesson: Strings in C#)
   Length gives the number of ALL characters in the String
string name: Names: Using String Functions(Lesson: Strings in C#)
   Split name into first and last
string reference: Microsoft Reference(Lesson: Strings in C#)
   Strings and String methods
string substr: String Substr(Lesson: Strings in C#)
   Substr extracts a portion of a string
string validate: String is valid Social Security Number.(Lesson: Strings in C#)
   A valid Social Security number has 9 digits
strings anagrams: Anagrams(Lesson: Strings in C#)
   Details for creating the form
strings compare: Comparing strings(Lesson: Strings in C#)
   Download the PDF file
strings cryptogram demo: Cryptogram Demo(Lesson: Strings in C#)
   A cryptogram shuffles the alphabet to create a code
strings cryptograms: Cryptograms(Lesson: Strings in C#)
   Details for creating the form
verbatim: @ is the verbatim identifier character.(Lesson: Strings in C#)
Full Glossary