
csharp richtext

Continue with the Notes Application.

Next we will write the code to change the font of the selected text.

Add a button to the toolbar and name it toolStripFont. Download this image to use for the button:
If you wish, you can add a menu item for the font also.


Write the code shown below:

private void toolStripFont_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   // You can also add a font item to  the menu under tools.

private void SelectFont()
   // Display the font dialog and change font of selected text.
   // If no text is selected this has no effect.
   Font selectionFont = richTextBox1.SelectionFont;
   fontDialog1.Font = richTextBox1.SelectionFont;
   richTextBox1.SelectionFont = fontDialog1.Font;

Click Save All at this point and run the program.

End of lesson, Next lesson: That is the last C# lesson in this course.