Hello world! I'm talking about creating a drawing program using different brushes in C#. I'm going to run the program first and explain a little bit about what's going on. And then, I, we'll take a look at the code. So I'm going to select open from the menu. And I'm going to select this picture of Mona Lisa. We can make this a little bit bigger. And I'm going to pick a solid color and a medium-size brush. and give her a nice little mustache. And then I'm going to pick leopard And give her a little fur hat, I'm going to make the size extra large. And give her that fur hat. OK. And then I'm going to pick hatch and give her a nice warm scarf. And I can pick save as, and save it as a Mona Lisa 2. And save that, and then I go to open You'll see what I have saved Mona Lisa 2, she has the hat and the mustache and the scarf. So, let's cancel that. Close that, and let's talk about what we've done here. First of all in order to use the hatch brush I needed to include system drawing 2d. I have declared a brush myBrush But the brush itself cannot be used directly. We're going to assign either the solid brush or the texture brush, or the hatch brush to my brush, and then use it for drawing with my brush. The hatch brush gets two colors, a style and I picked red and black as the two colors. The variable draw is used to make sure that on mouse move, I only draw if the mouse is down. So what I've done this is on mouse down I set draw to true, and on mouse up, I set draw to false. and then when I draw I say if draw, I draw my graphics with whatever size is and uh... use my brush. So when I select the Hatch brush, I say my brush = hatch brush. And for solid, my brush = solid brush, and my brush = texture brush. Let's talk about that texture brush. In form load I get my leopard skin picture from a file. and set that texture, that image, as the texture for my brush, that's what you leopard skin as a drawing item. changed is going to be implemented just like we did in the previous lesson to keep track if there has been a change to the picture and to remind them to save they haven't saved already. Open you have seen before. Save is a little bit fancy because I need... I don't want to save... if I just use the regular save command I get the Mona Lisa but without the fur hat and the scarf and the mustache. So all of this code picks up whatever is on the drawing image Uh... including the background and the drawing part that I have added. So you can take a look at that and see how that works. And you have the foundation for creating a whole drawing program. And you could pick a color, and you could pick two colors . It might be fun to play with that a little bit. But that's it for now.