Hello world! I'm going to use nested loops to generate a deck of cards. In this program I have a list box and at form load I generate the whole deck of cards. And when we run this You can see I start with the two of diamonds. I even showed the little symbol for a diamond. And all the way through the Ten of diamonds and then the Jack, Queen, King and Ace. And then I have all of the clubs. And all of spades, and all of the hearts. I have an outer loop that goes through each suit. And then I have an inner loop that goes from the two up to the ace. Let's look at the code for this, this is at form load: And a deck of cards has diamonds, clubs, spades, and hearts. I am so I'm going to use an integer suit is 0, 1, 2, 3. I set a string s to a null string. And then, based on the suit using the switch case. I say it's a diamond. A club, a spade, or a heart, and I also use The character: you could find this by searching for it on the internet. We have the word char, nd then we have the ascii value that we want to cast to a character. And of course we have break after each one of these. And then I have another string for the card itself. This loop, which I'm doing,is nested inside that for loop for the suit. I go through the whole list of cards. so we for card is 2 and card is less than 15. If it's 2, 3, 4 ... up to 10. I'm going to just set c is equal to that value toString. So it would be just converting the 2 to a a string, the 3 and so on. That's my default here. If it is an 11, I call it a Jack, 12 is a Queen, 13 is the King, 14 is an Ace. And then, I simply add to my list box c plus the word " of " and then the suit. So for instance this might say: 8 of Hearts, and then with the little heart symbol. And that's the whole deal.