Hello world! I'm talking about using for each Loops in C#. with the items in a list box. I have a program with a list box. I've put into the collection of the list box good, bad, ugly, a blank line, Once, is, enough, a blank line. Dont' run with scissors. I would like to remove any blank lines that might be in there. So, in form load I set blank to zero. I use a foreach loop The items in a list box are strings, so I have s each String s. in the collection of items. And if s Is equal to a null string, I add one. to blank. When the foreach loop ends, I say... this.text equals you had however many blank lines. Next I'm going to use a for loop to remove all of the blank lines in the list box. I want to remove each of them. So. i is 0, i is less than blank [the variable]. Add 1 to i each time through. And remove a "" [blank or null string]. Notice that this listbox items remove a blank will only remove one; if I didn't have a loop, it would just remove the first one and not the second. Let's just run that. So there are no blanks now. It says you had 2 blank lines, but now they're gone. Let's just do this. Let's not use a loop for this. Comment that out, and we'll just do this once, and let's run that. And you can see it removed the first one, but it didn't remove the second one. So we do need the loop. That's it.