Hello World! I'm continuing with the fraction class in C#. Previously, we had declared numerator and denominator and made them private. And we had constructors that use them, But usually, when you make a variable, or member, or property private, You need accessors to retrieve the values from the class. Usually named get___, are also called getter functions. So we have a method GetNumerator, no arguments, and it's going to return an integer. And we just say return Numerator. And we do the same thing with the Denominator. Mutators, on the other hand change the values. They are usually named set___ and are also called setter functions. SetNumerator, we receive a parameter numerator, with a lowercase, and Numerator equals numerator. And no problem, we accept any value. But with the denominator, we do not accept a value of zero. Aanything else is okay. So if the denominator is not equal to zero, then we accept it and we assign it to our member variable. Now that we have set and we know that the denominator will never be zero, We can add a method call ToDouble and If we just divide one by two, we get 0, that's integer division. So we need to cast the numerator to double And for instance 1.0 divided by two would give us 0.5 which is what we want here. I'm going to use the ToDouble to compare two fractions. And noticed it says public static bool operator < (less than) and this is going to let me compare fraction one and fraction two. Just like we can compare a is less than b whether they are integers, strings, doubles, we can compare two fractions. and I'm going to use the ToDouble method to compare them, so if their decimal values are, uh, If the first one is less than that, we return true. And it returns this... is evaluated to true or false and that true or false is returned. and that's our bool. And if we had less than. we have to have greater than. And we have that. OK. Let's go back to my form. I can compare... I have fraction with no arguments. I have half, with the arguments 1 and 2. and I can also do myFrac . SetDenominator to three. And then where we just say if myFrac is less than half, then I display myFrac to string less than half that to string. OK. Let's run that: and there we go. It says 0/3 is ess than one half. That's exactly what we wanted. And so that's it!