

Text of video

The best way to learn HTML is to try it yourself.

Copy the code below and paste it a text editor like notepad.

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>HELLO WORLD</title>
<p>Hello World</p>

Create a directory for all of your examples, then save it as example1.html instead of example1.txt

Use a file explorer and find the page you just created. Double click to open it in your browser. It should open in a browser because it has the extension (ending) .html

Notice where the words "HELLO WORLD" appear and where the words "Hello World" appear.

Now have some fun! Replace Hello World with your name or make up a silly sentence. Save it, then refresh your web page.

You should try all of the examples in these lessons. Don't be afraid to experiment!

Next: Links